{ "id": "0707.4014", "version": "v2", "published": "2007-07-26T21:25:10.000Z", "updated": "2007-09-13T15:53:58.000Z", "title": "Reversible plasticity in amorphous materials", "authors": [ "M. Lundberg", "K. Krishan", "N. Xu", "C. S. O'Hern", "M. Dennin" ], "comment": "Revised paper", "journal": "Phys. Rev. E 77, 041505 (2008)", "doi": "10.1103/PhysRevE.77.041505", "categories": [ "cond-mat.soft", "cond-mat.mtrl-sci" ], "abstract": "A fundamental assumption in our understanding of material rheology is that when microscopic deformations are reversible, the material responds elastically to external loads. Plasticity, i.e. dissipative and irreversible macroscopic changes in a material, is assumed to be the consequence of irreversible microscopic events. Here we show direct evidence for reversible plastic events at the microscopic scale in both experiments and simulations of two-dimensional foam. In the simulations, we demonstrate a link between reversible plastic rearrangement events and pathways in the potential energy landscape of the system. These findings represent a fundamental change in our understanding of materials--microscopic reversibility does not necessarily imply elasticity.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v2", "updated": "2007-09-13T15:53:58.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "83.50.-v", "05.70.Ln", "05.20.Gg", "83.80.Iz" ], "keywords": [ "reversible plasticity", "amorphous materials", "reversible plastic rearrangement events", "potential energy landscape", "microscopic deformations" ], "tags": [ "journal article" ], "publication": { "publisher": "APS", "journal": "Physical Review E", "year": 2008, "month": "Apr", "volume": 77, "number": 4, "pages": "041505" }, "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 0, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "adsabs": "2008PhRvE..77d1505L" } } }